Handling Depression With The Help of Others

Some depression might seem very serious, but you don’t have to be afraid that it can’t be treated.

There are several factors that must be considered in seeking for the help of others:

this might be in the form of therapy, medicine, family counseling, and/or religious faith.

It is necessary to find someone to talk to - someone compassionate, encouraging, and supportive who will listen to you.  Talking about your depression can relieve some of the pain and distress and can actually be your initial move in accessing the help you need. It can indicate the first step to recovery.

There are various numbers of very effective treatments for depression.

The counseling and psychiatric therapy can be very advantageous.  One factor that serves as a proof that you already need professional help is when you feel that your depression is very serious and you are relating the answer to your sufferings with suicide.

Serious depression seems to have genetic, hormonal, and/or chemical aspects that are activated by stress and distressing life events and thoughts. Thus, when the depression is serious, have to be evaluated by a trusted psychotherapy.


Some has misconception that those under the help of psychotherapists are at the stage of unstable life.  This is nonsense!  You must realize that people with serious depression must be treated with their help. In making a decision whether to ask or be against the help of psychotherapist, you must understand several factors that are express in details.


• Around 50% of most depressions fade away in 6 to 12 months without any treatment at all. If you are coping with mild depression and you can tolerate it, just being patient in waiting it out is a good option. The guiding idea for you should be whether or not the illness is adequately impairing you to cause problems in your personal life and relationships.

• If your depression has noticeably been triggered by a specific life event (death of a loved one, loss of a job, etc.), therapy may speed up your healing process, but "reactive" depressions often accumulate force and can become serious depressions. If this occurs to you, medication is needed.

• Medication is recommended for victims of frequent depression.  Most depressives might find talk therapy to be an effective cure.  Communicating and sharing problems with other people can release some of the tensions building up within the depressed.

• Your time, money, goals and especially health insurance are all important factors to be considered.
When you are feeling the signs of serious depression you can immediately ask for the help of a therapist.  If you are in a therapy or a group, you must make it sure to tell your therapist how much you are hurting.  Call a therapist or your mental health center.  Do not delay by trying to treat yourself or by hoping you'll get better.

Medication may be suitable when symptoms have been aggravated and have negatively affected the social life, work activities, relationships, and character of the depressed.

There may be some unwillingness to consider medication. While it should not be seen as an absolute treatment on its own, there are times when medication is inappropriate and unnecessary. It is important to know that there have been significant advances in the chemical treatment of depression. Many of the previous medications and their side effects no longer apply. It is important to discuss any concerns with your doctor.

If your depression is primarily chemical, psychological coping techniques are helpful but not that adequate. Likewise, if your depression has psychological causes, drugs may be useful but not sufficient. There is usually no way to tell if your depression is chemical or psychological, so consider both.


Anti-depressants have played a major part in the field of psychiatry. Giving pills has become an alternative solution to talking.

Millions have started taking anti-depressants of different kinds, and many have been satisfied. Nevertheless, you must generally recognize that anti-depressants take around 30 days to work and around 30% of depressed patients get little benefit from them. You must consider these important factors when you are deciding to take anti-depressants.

Most people do not realize how few training and experience primary care doctors, in general, have in dealing with serious psychological disorders, including depression. Depression is a very intricate illness. It isn’t something to be diagnosed in a few minutes.

And since anti-depressants take 30 days before results can be seen, you need repeated and careful supervision immediately and during the first several weeks.

You must know that the treating physician needs to have a well-informed mental health history (mental problems or illness often accompany depression) and he or she should strongly encourage the patient to also get psychotherapy as well as drugs.

Depression is not an easily treated disorder when it becomes serious. When you are suffering serious depression and decide to have your own doctor/therapist for treatment, you should expect him or her to maintain long-term contacts with you as the patient, at least every week for a few months and maybe much longer because depression frequently comes back.

A severe issue that you might not able to notice is the obvious connection between depression and suicide. You often don’t expect suicide as being an integral part of depression.  But in many cases, suicide has been the outcome for victims of serious depression. 

It is the third leading cause in 15 to 24-year-olds and the fourth most common cause of death between ages 10 and 14. This seems to be very serious because 60% of high school students have had thoughts about killing themselves, 9% have even tried. Thus, at every age, depression must not be ignored.

Average or serious depression carries with it a danger of self-injury.  This may require special safety measures.  For you to decide whether or not to take an anti-depressant, you must carefully consider important factors that may affect your situation.

The drugs may slightly increase the risk of irritability and anxiety. In worst scenarios, suicide may cross your mind. This treatment plan must involve your trusted family doctor, the collaborating psychotherapist, your parents or trusted relatives / friends, and you.